Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to the Grind!

Well, I started easing back into work last week, and this week have been a little more. I really thought that it would be harder to go back this time, but I think that since I took it so easy for the first month it was actually easier. I was ready to see my friends and be back in my office. It really made me realize all over again how much I LOVE my job and what a blessing it is. Being able to take my girls there and spend the day multitasking as director and mommy with Lorelai right in my office is the greatest thing ever. Plus, I have the greatest friends - it was a great mix of working/being with my baby and working/having people I love love on my baby! I have missed those ladies, those sweet kiddos, and all of my responsibilities as well. I am so thankful that the Lord saw fit to put me in this place where I can (hopefully) use my gifts to His glory in the midst of my church family.

I also have to give a "shout out" to the amazing staff that I work with. They all worked extra hours and really stepped up so that I could be gone and not worry. They encouraged me to take the time I needed to be with my baby girl and I knew that everything was in good hands. They are so talented and I am so blessed to be a part of this team! They are also such a gift in their sweet friendship as well as the examples they give me of different types of great moms.

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