Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lamby-less 11 Months

Well, unfortunately due to a little chaos in our lives lately this months pictures will be a little different. Sweet Lorelai spent a few days last week at Cook's being treated for what we think is an MRSA infection. It has been pretty rough watching the sweetest baby ever in so much pain, but I think we're finally on the road to recovery. She is back to her happy playful self, with just a little touch of spoiled added in after all the days in a row of being held - but we're okay with that!

At 11 months, she is our little trickster. She's been giving fives for awhile, but over the last month she's learned to blow kisses, play peek-a-boo, say "shh!" with her finger on her mouth, hold her little arms out to play a game with Daddy, bonk her own head when Grammy says "ow!" do her little fingers like the itsy bitsy spider. This is a pretty cute age! She really loves a bath - which is a good thing since she's taking three per day these days. She is getting more expressive, too. Her facials crack me up! She snarls her nose when she's not happy, etc. She and Maelie are having more fun than ever, too. She wakes up every morning and lets me rock her for a few minutes, then sits straight up and either says "da-dee" or "mae mae." She also loves to sleep! I've never seen a baby who will finish her bottle and immediately just wants you to put her in her bed. As soon as you lay her in there, she snuggles up into a little ball and you never hear a peep out of her for at least 9 hours. Gotta love that!

Poor sick baby!

These are when we started feeling a little better.

By Friday, she was in the mood to play a little. This is her laughing at the bubbles Kyle and I were blowing at her. Even when she was really sick, she would still try to smile and say thank you to the nurses. Such a sweet girl!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Funny for the Day

Today on the way to church Maelie said from the backseat "Mommy! If I'm not Jewish, then I'm not an Israelite!" This whole heritage thing is just not working out for her...maybe we should try to read more from the New Testament...