Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Imagine That!

Lately, Maelie has been cracking me up as I watch her imagination come to life. Here are some examples:

"Mommy, look, an airplane! I wonder if it's flying to the airport in Maryland to Kasey and Hendwee?"

"I want Elizabeth to go to Chick-Fil-A with us." me - "Well, Elizabeth is at her house." mae - "Well, the pretend Elizabeth is in the playroom and she really wants chicken minis."

On another note, it seems our little period of obedience and good behavior has come to a close. I know there will be another one soon (surely!!) but for right now we are in a period of tantrums, nos, a new scary face with wrinkled up nose accompanied by a growly voice and hyperdrive ocd-ness. All of this means a lot more spankings :( so pray for all of us as we work on obedience and sweetness. Oh, you've gotta love the highs and lows of the twos!!!

1 comment:

auntkasey said...

I love maelie! She's such a smarty pants. And she's growing up way too fast!
Don't worry mom, I'm sure there's a 'good girl' inside of her just waiting to surprise you!