Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here We Grow Again!

Our family just keeps getting bigger - and, no, I'm not refering to the size of my body these days. We found out two weeks ago that Grammy is getting married to Wayne in March, and couldn't be more excited. He makes such a good grandad (soon-to-be Papaw Wayne!) that I'm sure he will make a wonderful husband, too. He is so sweet to my mom, and she is so happy - what more could you ask for? If he would only stop feeding Maelie pickles, I don't think I would have even the slightest complaint :) Seriously, Mom and Wayne started dating right around the time Maelie was born and it was a little while before we met him, but he has basically been Maelie's other grandad her whole life. She definitely has him wrapped around her finger - I've seen him sit in a kiddie tent, a Little Tyke playhouse, push her all over the house in a babydoll stroller (with a broken shoulder), and countless other things that make me thank God that she has someone so much fun who loves her so much in her life. They are so funny together! Oh, yeah, and he and Mom make a cute couple, too...

I know having a "step-parent" has tons of stereotypes associated with it, but I really don't understand it. I have never seen my Mom so happy. It is so nice to know that she has someone who loves her and that she loves, someone who accepts her just for who she is and that she has someone to "take care of," too. She is good at that and needs someone to share it with! I love that our family is growing again.


Gigi and Peeps said...

Way to go Em!! I second all of those words too. I could not be happier for all of your family. And I can't think of anyone who deserves to be happier than your mom.

Valerie said...

I am also so excited that Papaw Wayne is joining our family and I am glad he feeds Maelie pickles!! Shame on you for telling her they are gross! I never ate peas or oatmeal till I was 22 because my Mom told me they were gross and it turns out that I like both!