Saturday, October 11, 2008

30 Things l Love About You!

Today is Maelie's half birthday and she has been doing so many new things I thought I would just list 30 things that I love about/am amazed about Maelie.

1. She's potty trained!! I can't believe how easy it was. She just decided to do it last month and we have been almost completely accident free ever since.

2. She says "God bless you, Mommy" every time I sneeze.

3. The other day I was telling her how pretty she was. I said "Do you know how pretty you are?" She nodded and said "Jesus make me so pretty!" Then there were Mommy tears...

4. She is such a talker! Some of my favorite things lately - "I'm going to give these flowers to Grammy 'cause I'm going to marry her" "it's my favorite in the whole wide world" "is my dada so handsome, just like Henry?"

5. She is obsessed with blue. She would eat anything, wear anything, play with anything blue. It's her "favowite"

6. She loves to laugh. She'll even fake laugh sometimes, but then she gets so cracked up at herself it turns into a real laugh.

7. She knows all of her abc's and the sounds that they make.

8. She doesn't really know that she's a kid - I really think she thinks that she and I are the same age. It makes for some very interesting stuggles and some very interesting conversations.

9. She loves to read her Bible. Her current favorite story is Lazarus and the Tomb.

10. She loves to do it by mysels, but she will ask for help when she needs it, too.

11. She just started saying "I love you, Mommy" spontaneously. Nothing warms my heart more.

12. She is a sweet little friend. Okay, mainly to Elizabeth, but to the people she considers friends she is very loyal.

13. She is so much like her Daddy that even when I am getting a little frustrated with her, I have to smile. She is so smart, so observant, so antisocial at times and she loves to be nekkid:) I love them both!!

14. Even if she doesn't always want to interact with people, she is a people person. Every night she asks who we are eating dinner with and talks about her friends (which always includes adults, too) all the time.

15. She has the strongest will of anyone I have ever met. I pray that it will be a blessing to the Lord as she stubbornly sticks to His word.

16. She loves to have her toenails painted.

17. She carries her "prinsheshes" everywhere in a little purse and pulls them out one by one, making me sing their song each time she does. Thank you, Rebellaires - I know them all!

18. She remembers things that I didn't even know that she noticed.

19. She knows the people closest to hers' eye color, favorite thing to eat, favorite color, etc. and she's working on their favorite prinsheshes.

20. She loves to snuggle when she sleeps in my bed.

21. She's obsessed with shoes, particularly the plastic dress up kind. She'll wear them until her feet bleed if you let her.

22. She is such a funny person. I love it when she is doing something just to make people laugh.

23. She is thoughtful. When Mommy's tummy is sick she always makes me pretend soup to make me feel better.

24. She loves to sing! She is constantly singing lately and I've been amazed at how many songs she can sing.

25. She is getting really good at expressing her emotions. She says things like "that was so much fun" "I'm so excited" "that will hurt my feelings"

26. She thinks I know everyone. Everywhere we go she asks me "What's her name, Mommy?" The cashier at the grocery store, strangers walking by, etc. It has made me a little more social. We now know the Chick-Fil-A lady, the lady at the donut store, several cashiers at Target, etc. by name.

27. She is such a girly girl! That's always the kind of daughter I wanted, but the other morning she came running out to meet me from Grammy's wearing princess jammies, blue dress up shoes, and holding her arms just so to keep her braclets on, and it made my day!!

28. She loves her Grammy. This is great for two reasons - one, that I love the fact that she loves my mom and has someone like her in her life, and two, I never have to worry about leaving her or feeling guilty - she would probably rather be with Grammy!

29. She loves being at church. If we haven't been there in a day or two (which doesn't happen very often) she'll say "I need to go to my chuch!"

30. She's made the last two and a half years of my life so exciting, so filled with love and laughter and joy. I cannot imagine life with out this precious person in it. The Lord blessed me in ways I never even imagined when he gave me Maelie.


Valerie said...

What a sweet list, Maelie is blessed to have such a good Mommy!

Jennifer said...

So sweet! Can't wait to see what your next one is like! :)

Gigi and Peeps said...

Oh how I cried while I read these 30 wonderful things. Both of you are blessed. Cherish each moment, as you know by now they move so quickly. Maelie, we love you so much. You make us laugh. Emily, I'm so proud of the wonderful mommy you are.

auntkasey said...

There are so many reasons to be in love with Maelie! She's AMAZING!
Maelie, baby Henry sees your picture every single day and we tell him how amazing you are. We are looking forward to the day that we don't live so far away so that you two can hang out! We miss and love you so very much.