Friday, October 15, 2010


I finally figured out how to download pictures to our new laptop! Here's to three months of catch up - one month at a time :)

For the second year in a row, we had the world's greatest intern. We love our Shelvy (or Shelby if you're not Maelie). Lauren, Cam and the McKillip girls took her on a going away playdate to Central market and a yogurt place. We love her and I hope my girls turn out just like her - she loves the Lord and is one of the most mature, confident young women I've ever known.

One of our favorite things about summer - popsicles!

Okay, have you ever seen anything cuter?

Two of my three favorite people relaxing before fireworks.

On the 4th of July Lorelai learned a new word - CHEESE! Here she is practicing.
We had our very first sleepover!
With who else - our sweet Elizabeth

Making ice cream sundaes at our sleepover
Looking back, it was such a quick summer, but we had so much fun. We spent so much time together as a family. I think after a super crazy June we were all in the mood to just hang out at our house together. Except for trips to NRH2O, Maelie's "favorite place in the whole world."

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