Thursday, November 20, 2008

What's in a name...

A lot, if you don't have one. I am so ready to name this baby!! Kyle and I have a definite difference of opion when it comes to names. Here are the rules:

No double names (Mary Jane, etc.) per Kyle
Nothing too "out there" (weird, I know, coming from the people who came up with Maelie)
Preferably something more oldfashioned/classic.

Kyle's top choices are: Mary, Alice, Margaret and Lucy
Emily's top choice is: Lorelai (pronounced "Lore a lie" for you Gilmore virgins)

Neither one of us is willing to bend to the other's direction at this point and we haven't come up with any others that both of us like/love. (To pat my own back I was willing to compromise with Mary Alice, but that violated the no double names rule, apparently)

If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!!! There could even be a Bosses' pizza in it for you...


auntkasey said...

I thought we were naming this baby Kasey after her favorite aunt....

Although I really like Lorelai, Lucy isn't bad either. What about M names? Or is there a rule against it because you don't wan to go all M's?

Lori said...

Sorry to tell you that I have absolutely no advice on this one! Although, 2 hour converstations in the middle of Babies R Us kinda worked for us.

auntkasey said...

What about Jane? It's definetly classic, AND it means 'gracious' or 'God is gracious' depending on where you look it up.
Clara- meaning 'bright'
Nora- meaning 'Light'
Mia- meaning 'Mine'
Lovey- meaning 'Loved one'
Elise- meaning 'Consecrated to God'

OR- and i really like this one
Mabel- meaning 'My Beautiful One'
Which is PERFECT! I'm loving this. And I just got off the phone with you and you said Lala loves it too. It's a sign!!

auntkasey said...

Rob would like to pitch Brangelina in. He thinks it should be the winner.

Gigi and Peeps said...

Okay, here goes. I love Maggie which could be short for Margaret.

Lucy could be interesting. I'm liking Mia too.

Just thinking of some names I haven't heard in awhile. How about Lilly, Jillian, Suzanne, Camille, Audrey, Debra or Deborah.

Okay, I've exhausted my brain. Good luck on finding the right name for your sweet little one. Whatever you guys decide on will be perfect I'm sure.

Rob said...


Haley said...

Lillian, Ellouise call her Ellie while she's little it sounds very royal and it fits well with Maelie. Olivia call her Liv or ollie or livvy, Cayla, Dinah, those are my classic not-so-common names. Good Luck. Oh and they allhave God meanings! Bonus!