Monday, March 03, 2008

A Little Something to Talk About...

Maelie talks more and more lately and it is cracking me UP! I've decided that two (or almost!) is definitely my favorite age. When she's not throwing temper tantrums, she's round the clock entertainment. Here are some recent funnies...

She my bed. Not that funny until she finished, freaked out and started rubbing it frantically saying "a mess, a mess" like she was surprised that that came out of her and was cleaning it up. I know, SOOOO gross, but it still made me laugh.

Today on the way to school she said something and I chuckled. She said "I funny, mama. I a funny girl!" I told her that , yes, she was a funny girl and she said "I funny a L-Beth!" which I took to mean "I'm funny to Elizabeth" and cracked up again.

The other day I told her to go put her manger (the Little People one) in her room and she took her time, so I told her she needed to take it to her room because Jesus needed a place to sleep and she said "Seesus sleep in a BOAT!" (Jesus sleeping on the boat and then calming the storm is by far her favorite Bible story) I guess she had me there.

We took her to PetSmart the other day just to browse and she said (in a very high pitched squeaky voice) "Look at all the fishies!" while pumping her arms up and down. Then she repeated the process when we got to the birds. Guess we can save the money we were going to spend on all those upcoming zoo trips....

There are about a million more, but I'll spare you and just show you some pics...

Maelie went to her first school-friend party at Little Gym and had the time of her life!!! She said "aba biday ageen!" (ava's birthday again!) the whole way home.

This is her trying to eat some of her Nemo bubbles.

My new favorite picture ever...

I found a new fella at the movies...

...but my Grandma stole him!

Is that the funnest Grandma ever?
Yes, I think so!!
(And the cutest, too)


Valerie said...

Oh, Grandma is cracking me up! I love that crazy old lady! I am pretty sure Maelie just gets cuter by the day! Love you! Let's Chipotle soon!

auntkasey said...

Grandma's still got it!

auntkasey said...


Valerie said...

Am I gonna have to comment about you on Kasey's blog just to get you to post again?