Monday, March 24, 2008

Hippity Hoppity Easter's On It's Way!

We had a great Easter! Maelie was so much fun this year, except for the fact that Baby Henee is "on airplane, far 'way" and couldn't give her a little competition.

Thanks for the Lamb Ears, Val!

The Fan Club - all these people watching one little girl hunt eggs!

Her Someday-Aunt Melisa gave her this stylin' hat.

The Sweet Little Angel picture...

...and the I'm a Little Stinker Picture.

Playing with bubbles from her eggs.

P.S. If you ask her what Easter is, she says "seesus dyin' on a coss!" It is PRECIOUS!


auntkasey said...

i love her. she's so funny! who else can look that good in both lamb ears and a stylin' hat?! we miss you maelie!

Valerie said...

Not that I wanted you to leave the other night, because I most certainly did not! But Me and Maelie had so much fun together watching the fish and playing with the see & say. That was the first time we have ever really bonded and I thoroughly enjoyed it. She is so precious and without a doubt the smartest girl I have ever met! You are such a wonderful mother. I can't wait till we can do play dates together! I love you so much!

auntkasey said...

PS, that squinty-eye picture is being printed out and put in my stair well! Rob is getting upset, b/c he says there are more pictures of Mae than Henry. But that's not really fair, b/c there's one with all three of you, so that doesn't count, and then one with drew, so that shouldn't count either... She's just too cute!