These girls really love each other
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Picture-palooza 2009
These girls really love each other
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Thirty Greatest Moments of My Thirty Years
in no particular order
P.S. There are pictures at the bottom if you get bored reading!
1) When I had Maelie. The strongest first memory I have of her is the sight of her. The second she was born they plopped her on my tummy and I was stunned. It happened more quickly than I had expected. One minute she was in my tummy and the next here she was - a little miracle that I had had a small part of. The sight of her there - perfect and mine - is still hard to put into words.
2) When I had Lorelai. My strongest first memory of her is the sound of her cry. For some reason at her birth she was not in my sight for a few seconds, but at the sound of that little cry I remember looking at Kyle with tears in my eyes and shock at how quickly my heart had expanded and how much I loved her before I had even seen her.
3) When Kyle McKillip called me on Christmas Day, 1998 and asked me out for our second date. After our first date I walked into my house and told my mom I was going to marry him. Part of that was being silly, but I really liked him and was so excited when he called on Christmas to think that maybe he felt the same way.
4) When we bought our house. It's funny, because I'm so ready to sell it now, but when we were 21 and buying a house of our own it was so exciting and I felt like we were "really grown up." It was so much fun working on it with Kyle and feeling like we had a home.
5) When it snowed in January of 2001. Kyle and I were living in an apartment, barely married and so excited about the snow that we moved our mattress into the living room and slept with the windows open so that we could hear it. I remember thinking that this is what I imagined being married as - having fun with your best friend.
6) When I took the Beth Moore "Living Beyond Yourself" Bible study. It was the first Beth Moore and first really deep Bible study I'd done and it showed me new ways to talk to the Lord that changed our relationship.
7) When I got the job at Young Children's World. I really thought that there was no way that they would hire someone as young as I was. Plus, it was going to be a $200/month paycut that we really couldn't afford. Kyle and I spent the weekend praying about the decision to take the job and right after we talked Kyle went to check the mail. There was a check for $500 and a letter from our mortgage company saying something had been miscalculated and our mortgage payment was being decreased by $200/month. No way would that have been there if we had not followed the Lord and taken the job that turned out to be the best job in the world.
8) When Drew, my younger brother by 10 years was born. I was not sure about a baby in our family before he was born, but I remember wanting to stay in the waiting room and not go on walks with the other kids because I couldn't wait to meet him. I loved him so much and still do!
9) When I realized I liked my mom :) We had some rough times over the early years of my life, but sometime in my 20s I realized what a good mom she is and more importantly what a good friend. (It doesn't hurt that she's the world's best Grammy.)
10) When I realized that Kyle was in it for good. I think there were times in the early years of our marriage when I would subconciously test that fact - picking silly fights or escalating them just to see if he really meant it. He did. The Lord shows me alot about His acceptance and love for me through the way that Kyle loves and accepts me.
11) When God put Jayne in my life. She is such a precious combination of friend and mentor. I think everyone needs someone like her - wise, but completely nonjudgemental, a little further down life's road and willing to share her wisdom, faith and experience. I know that I'm a better mom, wife, friend, and Christian because of her influence.
12) When Kasey moved to Texas. Okay, that's a weird one because it stunk that Rob had to be in Iraq, so it wasn't all good, but I'm thankful that we got to live in the same city as adults for the first time in our lives. I think that it brought us immeasurably closer and redefined our relationship.
13) When Henry was born. Getting to be an Aunt was the greatest experience. Love like a Mom with the ability to spoil and never have to spank! I got to spend the first week of his sweet life with him in San Angelo and I loved getting to bond with him. It still makes my day when I see his cute face on skype and hear "what aunt emmy doin'?"
14) When I made Rebellaire dance captain. It was my senior year and being in that group made it so much fun! I was so excited and it was also the first time I had been in a leadership position. It didn't hurt that so many of my good friends were there, too.
15) When I got to bring Maelie to work with me for the first time. I have always loved my job, but having her there with me made it even better. So many women that I love so much were there it felt like bringing her home a little having her in a place I loved with so many Christian sisters loving on my baby.
16) When I joined Richland Hills Church of Christ. Okay, in that moment I probably didn't realize how great it was, but I love my church and am so thankful to belong to a body of believers that loves the Lord and shows it in so many ways. I love our leaders and how they are so intentional about sharing the love of Christ "in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth."
17) When I met Patty Weaver. She is the best boss (even though she's not a fan of that word :) and friend. She has taught me so much about what it means and how to minister to others, especially children and their families. She is a living example of someone who does her best to glorify the Lord in all she does. She has also taught me a lot about spectacularness - how to make things better than people expected, how we can really do anything or make anything happen when we work together.
18) When Kelli had Elizabeth. When our daughters were born, so was a friendship that brings tears to my eyes when I really think about all the ways I've been blessed by it. No one is a better encourager than Kelli. She really makes you feel great about yourself while at the same time encouraging you to be even better. She is always pointing you towards a closer walk with the Lord. I also got my little friend Elizabeth that day - a precious friend to my Maelie and another sweet little someone to love.
19) When Lauren came to work at RHCC. Wow! Sometimes God really blows my mind. What a precious gift from Him to have one of your best friends working right down the hallway. I still get excited when I see her walking down the hall to stop by my office and chat. I am convinced that my life would not be the same without her presence - her ability to bring so much fun and such deep friendship into my life has been a blessing as long as I've known her (which is a long time).
20) Bringing Lorelai home from the hospital. I'll never forget the surrealness of having two full carseats in the back seat and feeling like it had always been that way. I was completely at peace about my new role as Mommy to two and amazed at how easily our family had grown from two to three to four. It was a great drive and just got better as the three of us introduced Lorelai to her new home and got to spend time together as a family.
21) When I moved to Abilene. I loved everything about being there - the friends I came with and the ones I made along the way. The town itself and all the fun things we did there. The classes I took even seemed fun, like the beginning of "real life." Living on my own and the freedom and feeling of being a grown up that came with it. Growing with God and being led to Kyle. I still love to go back there and have a little taste of all those good feelings!
22) When Maelie decided that when she grows up she wants to be a Mommy "just like me." She is the funniest, most precious thing, but she is also a very challenging little girl. There are many days when I question the job that I am doing with her as a mother, but I guess it can't be all bad if that's what she wants to be when she grows up!
23) When I got my quilt for Christmas. When I was around eight years old my great-grandmother made each one of her 15 or so great-grands a handmade quilt for Christmas. That thing has been on my bed everyday since. It's the perfect weight, size, and it's the craziest colors you've ever seen. It reminds me that really great things aren't always perfect on the outside. It's warm when I need warming and surprisingly feels cool in the summer. It's been on campouts, sleepovers, off to camp, picnics outside - you name it, but it better be on my bed before I go to sleep. When it started to get a little ragged, my Grandma took it and reinforced every stitch to make it last longer, so now it's even more precious.
24) When I found out Val was pregnant. This in itself was an answer to many, many prayers, and a few days later when I found out I was pregnant it was the fulfillment of a lifelong wish to get to be mommies together. Val is the biggest and best part of most of my childhood memories and getting to share this stage of life with her is a bigger blessing than I had even imagined.
25) My 30th birthday! A big group of our friends got together for a steak (my favorite!) and then spent the rest of the night driving around town in a Hummer limo looking at Christmas lights. It was so much fun and such a sweet treat from my precious husband. The best part was looking around and realizing how blessed I am to have so many amazing friends in my life.
26) When my Mom got married. I was so happy to see her with someone that she loves so much and that loves her, too. We all love Wayne, especially Maelie, and were so glad to have him as an official part of our family.
27) When Kyle asked me to marry him. We were on top of a mountain in Colorado, and I remember having a hard time catching my breath. I love him so much and it still amazes me that he saw enough in me to want to spend the rest of our lives together. He is such a pillar of faith, such a precious and tender heart - I just cannot imagine a better man. The fact that he chose me is still humbling and amazing.
28) When I went to Italy. My senior year of high school our choir toured several cities in Italy and had the chance to sing in several cathedrals. So much fun with great friends. Such a once in a lifetime experience to be in a foreign country with people I loved, doing something I loved, and experiencing something so new.
30) When I got baptized. I had no idea at the time how deeply and completely this would change me and shape me. Everytime I see someone get baptized at church it brings tears to my eyes not only that the kingdom of God has grown, but also that that person is in for such an amazing journey as the Lord grows them and draws them closer to Him. I had loved the path that He has led me down thus far and cannot wait to see what else He has in store for me!
First night in our new house
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Funny (and disgusting) for the Day
Friday, December 04, 2009
Funny for the Day
This morning in the car
Maelie "Do you remember Aunt Nita's birthday party?"
Me "yes"
Maelie "I wore that skirt"
Me "yes, you did" (shocked - Aunt Nita's fifties themed party that Maelie wore a poodle skirt to was in May)
Maelie "Sometimes when I sleep I see pictures. In my eyes."
Me "I think you are talking about dreams"
Maelie "Oh, yeah!! 'Course! Dreams"
Me "Did you dream about Aunt Nita's party?"
Maelie "Yup, and Grammy"
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Happy Halloween!
(Not sure where Maelie learned that phrase, but she kept saying it)
Maelie kept saying "This is awesome!"
Lorelai riding in style. She looks a little scared in this for some reason, but she really loved the view from the bjorn
Riding in style.
We finished off the evening at Carol's house where Grammy and Papaw were waiting to see the girls. Carol and her Wayne popped fresh popcorn and the girls got to decompress a little. It was a great night!
One last look at our raven-haired beauty! She loved it while it was costume time but was pretty ready to wash it out and get her yellow hair back!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Seven Months and PP Rounds Two and Three
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
funny for the day
Her response: "Aw, shucks!"
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pumpkin Patch...Round One
It was hard to get a lot of good pictures of Maelie - she and Elizabeth ran and played the whole time. I caught this one in the hay maze.
Taking refuge from the rain