Saturday, May 16, 2009


That's what I say to this whirlwind week! Monday was graduation for our Pre Kers at school, Thursday we had a tea and small performance with our Toddlers and a tea in the afternoon with the babies in the nursery. That would have been plenty to keep me hopping, but Sunday night Maelie ran a fever and threw up in the night several times. By noon she felt fine and was demanding pizza. Kyle had to work, so I strapped Lorelai in her Bjorn and she and Maelie helped with graduation. I had a lot of help from Aunt Kasey and Barbara, but I still felt like super mom and learned that super mom is a very tired mom :) Wednesday Maelie started complaining of a headache, which had never happened before, then late in the afternoon it made her throw up. By 9 I was on the phone with the nurse and by 11:30 we were in the car on the way to the ER because she was screaming about her head and even crying about it in her sleep. They did a CT and decided they think she had a migrain - crazy! The next night Lorelai had a rough night, which is weird for her and was very ill-timed because I hadn't slept much the night before at Cook's. The highlights have been that sweet Baby James is finally here and I got to spend some time loving on him - he is so precious!!!

Also, Lorelai turned 2 months old which is blowing my mind. She is such a sweet, laid back baby and I have loved having her in my life and in my arms these past two months. I think right now my favorite thing about her is her blue blue eyes. They have so much expression and she will look at you with such concentration and then smile the sweetest little smile that always starts out on just one side and then spreads to the rest of her face.

Showing off her smile in the swing, which is unusual because she doesn't like our swing.

Wearing on of Mommy's old dresses

This is what happens everytime we try to have tummy time!

She might not ever learn to roll over!

Two month picture with her Lamby. She was talking to me while I was taking it - too cute!

Close up with Lamby

First time in the Bumbo! She seemed to like it. I don't leave her in it for very long because I don't want her to get tired, but she is getting really good at holding her head up and loves to be upright so I thought this would be right up her alley.

So, at two months she can:

hold her head up to about 90 degrees and support herself on her elbows for short periods

the smiles come a lot more often and with very little work - she smiles the most at the fan and all it does is turn around!

track things with her eyes

turn her head to look for things - most often her Daddy, she loves the sound of his voice

coo and talk

sleep for 6 hours at a stretch in her own bed

she weighs 11ibs. 14 oz - oh, my goodness! (75%)

she's 23 1/4 inches long (75%)

She likes:

obviously to eat, she's almost 12 lbs!

sitting upright

being held

the swing in Mommy's office

sleeping on her tummy (only during tummy time!)

being sang to

She doesn't like:

the swing at home or the papasan chair - basically anything that reclines

when the car stops

having her diaper/clothes changed

1 comment:

auntkasey said...

She has a great smile! I can't believe she's getting so big so fast, but to be honest, she's s quiet and precious you usually don't even know when she's in the room!
I love both my girls!