1. I don't know why I love the Fall. I know that part of it is the weather - if you're not from Texas, I'm not sure that you understand what a relief some cool weather can be. Even though this summer was pretty mild, I'm loving the cold nights. I think the air smells differently, too, and makes me remember so many good memories from childhood, through high school and college, and up until now. I think people are wrong to always talk about spring as the season of renewal and starting fresh. The Fall makes me want to do something fun and new....
2. On that point, I started sewing!! I'm terrible at it, but maybe that will change. I made Maelie a little Mickey Mouse book (she is so obsessed with MM), and it was so much fun. I had the kind of Mom who was always making something - cookies, sewing projects, ceramic somethings - every occasion was marked with something homemade and that's always the type of mom I pictured myself being. Breaking out hte sewing machine (after three years in the closet, literally still in the box!) made me feel very accomplished!
3. Kasey and Rob are back in Texas, which is good and bad. Good because it gives us a taste of what it would be like to live close to one another and see each other often, but bad because I think it will make it even harder when they have to leave again. Maelie has really gotten close to them and asks frequently "A Sasey? A Wob? A Ollo?" Ollo would be their dog.
4. Can you believe I made it this far without dedicating a whole segment to Maelie? OKay, I have about a million stories I could tell you about her - she is at such a funny age and is cracking me up constantly. Here are a few of my favorites. She thinks it is hysterical to put things on her head. We'll be in the car and she will say, "Mama, where is it?" I'll look back and her binky, her shoe, anything handy, will be on her head. The first time she did it I laughed until I cried because the expression on her face is so funny - she cracks herself up!
5. She truly is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. On one hand, I think what better to be obsessed with - he's a wholesome guy and his cartoon is very age appropriate and teaches her things I want her to know. But, on the other hand I do get a little tired of her saying "A Pete (a MM character)" when I go to pick her up from sleep these days instead of "Hi Mama" She loves to say "hot dog" (or, ha dohg) which is a favorite MM saying. The other day she was supposed to be napping but when I put my ear to the door I could hear her jabbering away and when I peeked in she was rolling around on her back playing with her binky saying "hot dog, hot dog, hot dog...."
6. My truly favortie new thing she does is praying hands. I have not taught her that - usually I pray over her as we're rocking, but did not think she could really sit down and pray with me yet. The other night after our family Bible time I asked Kyle to pray for us to see what she would do, and she made the cutest little praying hands and looked down at them. I peeked at her while we were praying and she kept them there the whole time. She would kind of look back and forth at Kyle and I, then look back down. It was the most precious things I've ever seen . I know that she learned that at school - go Ms. Heather! She also loves to look through her Bible looking for "sesus." It makes my life!
Some recent pics...
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