I have never known desperation. Never been hungry, thirsty, in need. And then I had Maelie and I am so terribly desperate for her to know the Lord. It is such an awesome burden to know that I have a had in molding that tiny heart and leading her to Him. I know that each of us are ultimately responsible for our own decisions, but I want to stand before my Father and tell Him that I did everything in my power to show her His love, His goodness, His sacrifice. She can be such a little wild woman that I think at times I overlook her sweet and tender side, but lately she has done some things during our family Bible time that remind me that none of us are all one way or the other and though they are small things they have blessed me so much as I see her learning about Jesus.
The other night she was playing peek-a-boo with a towel on her head and it fell just so that it looked like a little Mary looking at me from under it. I told her that she looked like Mary, Jesus' mommy (I have to differentiate because she really loves Mary and Martha). Shethought that was funny so we got a baby Jesus for her to hold. She wore it the rest of the night and to our bed for Bible time. Then when we said our prayers she kept it on and laid down face first with her little praying hands. It was so precious. I wish I could have taken a picture, but it would have been totally inappropriate in that moment.
She loves to look at the people praying in her Bible. Mary, Gideon, Jesus, she finds them and says "payin'" and makes her little praying hands. She likes it when Daddy prays, but lately after he's done she will hold her little praying hands up and say "pay". She likes to say her own, too. We say thank you for all the people who love us by name and the cutest thing is when she says "ank oo henee, safe" (Thank you for Henry, her soon to be born baby cousin, and keep him safe).
Twice lately we have tried to put her to bed with out our Bible time because we've been out so late, but she does not stand for that. When I went into her room tonight because she had been crying in her crib for a while and was clearly not going to sleep she said "Bible, Seesus." How can you resist that? We had her Bible time and said our prayers and she went down so much easier. What a great reminder that your day is not complete and your sleep not as sweet if you haven't said good night to our Heavenly Father.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
In the Blink of an Eye Time Goes By..
I looked at my calendar today and realized that Maelie is about to be 20 months old. Its seems like ever since she turned 18 months old I have stopped focusing on the months - it almost just seems like a countdown to 2, which is just way too crazy. Here are some great things about Maelie at 20 months old:
She talk so spontaneously. She will say things on her own that you didn't even know she could say yet. We were counting eight crayons the other day and when we were done she said Nine! I was very surprised.
She speaks in complete sentences or phrases a lot. She has been saying "Thank you, mama" "Where is it?" "Here it is!" and things like that for a few months, but now she says "A Mammy? On't Know. A her house" (Where's Grammy? I don't know. At her house)
She is so silly! She will hide her own hand in her sleeve and play peek-a-boo with it and thinks it's hilarious. She has decided that she loves sunglasses. She puts them on and says "piddy" or "so cool" It seems like she may avoid self-esteem issues....
She knows when she pottys in her diaper and does not like it! I'm so excited about that . She has been sitting on the potty whenever she asks for about two months now, but it is more just for fun that using it for what it was intended for, but her saying "Poop" and patting her diaper makes me think maybe we should get a little more serious.
She is very hot and cold. She can be the sweetest little thing, putting her arms around you and giving hugs and kisses just for fun and obey you so well one day, and the next day the word of the day is MINE! and we are throwing tantrums on the floor. It must be so hard to be a toddler!!
Here are some pics:
Maelie and Elizabeth love to play pretend night-night. It's a funny version of peek-a-boo and they crack each other up!
Looking "so cool" in her glasses! She loves to put them on by herself.
I love this picture because it is probably one of my favorite dresses on her, but also because she has Mickey and Minnie with her. They go most places with us these days.
She talk so spontaneously. She will say things on her own that you didn't even know she could say yet. We were counting eight crayons the other day and when we were done she said Nine! I was very surprised.
She speaks in complete sentences or phrases a lot. She has been saying "Thank you, mama" "Where is it?" "Here it is!" and things like that for a few months, but now she says "A Mammy? On't Know. A her house" (Where's Grammy? I don't know. At her house)
She is so silly! She will hide her own hand in her sleeve and play peek-a-boo with it and thinks it's hilarious. She has decided that she loves sunglasses. She puts them on and says "piddy" or "so cool" It seems like she may avoid self-esteem issues....
She knows when she pottys in her diaper and does not like it! I'm so excited about that . She has been sitting on the potty whenever she asks for about two months now, but it is more just for fun that using it for what it was intended for, but her saying "Poop" and patting her diaper makes me think maybe we should get a little more serious.
She is very hot and cold. She can be the sweetest little thing, putting her arms around you and giving hugs and kisses just for fun and obey you so well one day, and the next day the word of the day is MINE! and we are throwing tantrums on the floor. It must be so hard to be a toddler!!
Here are some pics:
Saturday, November 17, 2007
For All That You've Done I Will Thank You
Who else feels a little caught off guard that it's almost Thanksgiving? I wore a tank top out one day recently, so it still feels a little weird to be planning on turkey and dressing. I'm still excited, though. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite actual holiday. I love the Christmas season, but the actual day can be overwhelming and a little bit of a let down after all the hype. Thanksgiving, however, seems to be a purer holiday. Just bring over some food, watch some football, hang out. Well, the past few Thanksgivings have been that way. I just have a really hard time with the word "no" but two years ago, sweet Kyle put his foot down and said that from then on we would reduce our Thanksgiving obligations from 4 to just one. It has been so nice. It is really hard to feel like you're letting someone down, but it has been worth it. Our first several Thanksgivings as a married couple we ran around so much that we ended up missing most of the actual dinners and ended up at Whataburger at nine o'clock at night starving. In honor of the holiday, here are ten things that I am SO Thankful for...
1) My Precious Husband. I am so thankful for the man of God that he is and the way he really applies that to everything that he does - at work, as a husband, father, friend. He is one man who really walks the walk.
2) My Marriage. I am so thankful that her we are, seven years into it, and our marriage seems better than ever. So, while I listed above that I am thankful for Kyle, I am also thankful for the relationship that we have and how it opens my eyes to the way that Christ loves me. In no other relationship do you feel such total and unconditional love and acceptance - the freedom to truly be yourself all the time - good and bad.
3) My Maelie. Good grief, that is an understatement! She is so precious. And such a surprise! She amazes me with her humor, her bravery, her wildness. These are things that are so not me, but I love to watch grow in her! I think being a mom to someone like Maelie brings those qualities out in me a little, too. She is also so sweet and girly. She has several times lately put her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug and then just patted my back with her sweet little hands.
4) My Family. That is one thing I love about this time of year - that it really makes you stop and prioritize just how important your extended family is to you. I love having everyone together - we have a really big family so it is not often that we are all under one roof! It brings back so many good memories of my childhood. This Thanksgiving could also be the last one for a few years that we have all of my smaller family unit here, so I am especially thankful for that.
5) My Friends. I am so blessed to have so many sweet friends in my life. I really feel like we have such a rich life, and I know that is in large part because we are blessed with such rich friendships with people in various stages of life. Some friends have older kids to learn from, some have no kids to remind me what Emilylife is about instead of just Mommylife, and some have kids exactly the same age as ours to help share in the joys and journeys of Mommyhood. I feel like each one is a different glimpse of Christ to me.
6) My Job. This year I am especially thankful for my job. It gives me such an outlet to use the gifts and talents that the Lord has given me in a way that, hopefully, reaches out to others and brings Him glory, to plant seeds in tiny hearts about just how much Jesus loves them. It also puts me in contact with some pretty amazing women, again, from all different paths, who share a common love and a common goal. They bless my life just as much as all the kiddos do!
7) Kyle's Job. Even though Kyle occasionally has to work some pretty crazy hours, I am so thankful for his job. It really seems like he has found his niche. He likes what he does, and most days comes home in a pretty good mood. He also works for great people who we love, and that makes such a huge difference. It just makes all those hours that he is away working and sacrificing for our family go by a little quicker to know that he feels successful and fulfilled.
8) My Church. I try not to give out a lot of personal information on this blog, but I will tell you that I go to Richland Hills Church of Christ and I love that place. It is the first church that I've gone to that I've really felt like was my church family instead of a bunch of people I go to church with. Kyle was nervous when I first started working there that seeing the inner-workings my tarnish my idealistic views of church and in essence, hurt my feelings. However, I feel like quite the opposite has happened. Getting to know the people that work there, how things are done, sometimes why things are done has really made me love it even more. I feel like, while no earthly leadership is perfect, the hearts of the people at this church are really about serving God, bringing him glory, and spreading the Gospel of Christ to as many people as possible and it is really exciting to be working, worshiping and raising a daughter in that atmosphere.
9) My Hope. Is it not amazing that you can look back at all the things that you are thankful for, knowing how so very many things did not make the Top Ten, and know in your heart that it is only the tip of the iceberg? To know that even the things that you aren't necessarily thankful for - like the hurt in your heart for the people you love that are away from Christ - can turn into a thanksgiving because you are so thankful that God knows your hurt and has a love for these people and a desire to call them His that you cannot imagine. Above all, to know that one day you will leave it all to be with Him - I am so thankful for my hope and my future!
10) My God. Now, you know that this one could go on and on, but I will sum up my thankfulness for God by saying that I am so thankful that He is my God, and that I am His. I know that none of the other things would be possible without Him. Even if I had Kyle in my life without Him, I would not be able to fully appreciate all the things that Kyle is without seeing him through the Father's eyes. I would not have a marriage that was meaningful if both of us weren't striving for the same goal - to live a life that brings Him glory, and to take our children and as many others to heaven with us. None of it would matter - the joys would only be a glimpse of joy and the sorrows would swallow me whole without the love and sacrifice of my Father.
1) My Precious Husband. I am so thankful for the man of God that he is and the way he really applies that to everything that he does - at work, as a husband, father, friend. He is one man who really walks the walk.
2) My Marriage. I am so thankful that her we are, seven years into it, and our marriage seems better than ever. So, while I listed above that I am thankful for Kyle, I am also thankful for the relationship that we have and how it opens my eyes to the way that Christ loves me. In no other relationship do you feel such total and unconditional love and acceptance - the freedom to truly be yourself all the time - good and bad.
3) My Maelie. Good grief, that is an understatement! She is so precious. And such a surprise! She amazes me with her humor, her bravery, her wildness. These are things that are so not me, but I love to watch grow in her! I think being a mom to someone like Maelie brings those qualities out in me a little, too. She is also so sweet and girly. She has several times lately put her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug and then just patted my back with her sweet little hands.
4) My Family. That is one thing I love about this time of year - that it really makes you stop and prioritize just how important your extended family is to you. I love having everyone together - we have a really big family so it is not often that we are all under one roof! It brings back so many good memories of my childhood. This Thanksgiving could also be the last one for a few years that we have all of my smaller family unit here, so I am especially thankful for that.
5) My Friends. I am so blessed to have so many sweet friends in my life. I really feel like we have such a rich life, and I know that is in large part because we are blessed with such rich friendships with people in various stages of life. Some friends have older kids to learn from, some have no kids to remind me what Emilylife is about instead of just Mommylife, and some have kids exactly the same age as ours to help share in the joys and journeys of Mommyhood. I feel like each one is a different glimpse of Christ to me.
6) My Job. This year I am especially thankful for my job. It gives me such an outlet to use the gifts and talents that the Lord has given me in a way that, hopefully, reaches out to others and brings Him glory, to plant seeds in tiny hearts about just how much Jesus loves them. It also puts me in contact with some pretty amazing women, again, from all different paths, who share a common love and a common goal. They bless my life just as much as all the kiddos do!
7) Kyle's Job. Even though Kyle occasionally has to work some pretty crazy hours, I am so thankful for his job. It really seems like he has found his niche. He likes what he does, and most days comes home in a pretty good mood. He also works for great people who we love, and that makes such a huge difference. It just makes all those hours that he is away working and sacrificing for our family go by a little quicker to know that he feels successful and fulfilled.
8) My Church. I try not to give out a lot of personal information on this blog, but I will tell you that I go to Richland Hills Church of Christ and I love that place. It is the first church that I've gone to that I've really felt like was my church family instead of a bunch of people I go to church with. Kyle was nervous when I first started working there that seeing the inner-workings my tarnish my idealistic views of church and in essence, hurt my feelings. However, I feel like quite the opposite has happened. Getting to know the people that work there, how things are done, sometimes why things are done has really made me love it even more. I feel like, while no earthly leadership is perfect, the hearts of the people at this church are really about serving God, bringing him glory, and spreading the Gospel of Christ to as many people as possible and it is really exciting to be working, worshiping and raising a daughter in that atmosphere.
9) My Hope. Is it not amazing that you can look back at all the things that you are thankful for, knowing how so very many things did not make the Top Ten, and know in your heart that it is only the tip of the iceberg? To know that even the things that you aren't necessarily thankful for - like the hurt in your heart for the people you love that are away from Christ - can turn into a thanksgiving because you are so thankful that God knows your hurt and has a love for these people and a desire to call them His that you cannot imagine. Above all, to know that one day you will leave it all to be with Him - I am so thankful for my hope and my future!
10) My God. Now, you know that this one could go on and on, but I will sum up my thankfulness for God by saying that I am so thankful that He is my God, and that I am His. I know that none of the other things would be possible without Him. Even if I had Kyle in my life without Him, I would not be able to fully appreciate all the things that Kyle is without seeing him through the Father's eyes. I would not have a marriage that was meaningful if both of us weren't striving for the same goal - to live a life that brings Him glory, and to take our children and as many others to heaven with us. None of it would matter - the joys would only be a glimpse of joy and the sorrows would swallow me whole without the love and sacrifice of my Father.
Friday, November 09, 2007
I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You...
Well, I know that historically all my blogs have centered around Maelie, but I just couldn't help share this picture of Kyle. Sometimes I think about who he was and who I was way back when we got married, and it is amazing to see how far we've come as a couple and as individuals. I feel like we have grown up together in away, and when I stop to think about the man he has become it astounds me. He is the most precious Daddy to Maelie. I always knew that he would be a phenomenal dad, but watching him actually do it blows my mind. It was part of what made me fall in love with him to begin with, and it's part of what makes me fall more in love with him each day. He is also an amazing husband. I have felt so bad for the past several weeks, and he has so taken care of our family. He has done the cleaning, the laundry, given extra care and attention to Maelie and taken such good care of me. I have been a little frustrated by my lack of energy and the doctors inability to figure out what exactly is going on, and he has just loved on me and assured me that things will get better, I'm not useless, etc. All of this on top of the work he normally does and some extra help he's given friends lately. The most amazing area of growth I've seen in Kyle is spiritual, though. He has really stepped up and become the leader of our household with such grace, wisdom and faith. I think that's why I love this picture so much. When I first started teaching Bible class, Kyle was not that interested. He would help me set up, clean up, anything like that but I think he was a little intimidated by the kids. Over the last few years, he has become more and more involved and he is so good at it. He is great at getting kiddos that don't want to come in the door and involved in class. He is always ready to make towers for the boys to knock down and those little girls have him wrapped around their fingers. It just warms my heart to see him put himself so fully into serving our God by serving these precious little ones that He thinks are so important.

"Mr. Kyle" at work!

I think Maelie is so lucky to have such a fun Daddy!
"Mr. Kyle" at work!
I think Maelie is so lucky to have such a fun Daddy!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Oh, What a Night...
Well, this may be a record - two postings in two days! However, I thought this would be the best way to share our Halloween fun. We met the Daddys for dinner at Chick-Fil-A, then headed to church. It was crazy!!! So much fun stuff to do - a petting zoo, carnival games, so much more. However, the girls had more fun on the usual stuff they play on - the slide, the playhouse, etc. Then we headed to James and Linda's house for a little trick-or-treating and wrapped it up by stopping at Carol's for a little Grammy lovin'. All in all, it was a great night!
We started off a great day by meeting Papa at Fuzzy Taco's for lunch. Maelie had oranges, rice, beans and - what else - guacamole!
The little buggy friends at the petting zoo.
"A li -i -ide!" as Maelie would say.
What a little lady!
This is Maelie trick or treating at Linda and James' house. She was so excited about her treat - a box of Dots that made a fun noise when you shook them!

She was pretty tired by the end of it all. Grammy gave her a new Mickey Mouse and she kissed him all the way home, then went to right to sleep with him snuggled up next to her.
She was pretty tired by the end of it all. Grammy gave her a new Mickey Mouse and she kissed him all the way home, then went to right to sleep with him snuggled up next to her.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Here We Go Again.....
Well, I was just thinking the other day that I either need to start blogging again or just close it out. I was leaning toward closing it out, but once again the Great LaLa has inspired me and I decided to give it another go. About a million things have happened since my last post, so I'll just start with where we are and go from there.
1. I don't know why I love the Fall. I know that part of it is the weather - if you're not from Texas, I'm not sure that you understand what a relief some cool weather can be. Even though this summer was pretty mild, I'm loving the cold nights. I think the air smells differently, too, and makes me remember so many good memories from childhood, through high school and college, and up until now. I think people are wrong to always talk about spring as the season of renewal and starting fresh. The Fall makes me want to do something fun and new....
2. On that point, I started sewing!! I'm terrible at it, but maybe that will change. I made Maelie a little Mickey Mouse book (she is so obsessed with MM), and it was so much fun. I had the kind of Mom who was always making something - cookies, sewing projects, ceramic somethings - every occasion was marked with something homemade and that's always the type of mom I pictured myself being. Breaking out hte sewing machine (after three years in the closet, literally still in the box!) made me feel very accomplished!
3. Kasey and Rob are back in Texas, which is good and bad. Good because it gives us a taste of what it would be like to live close to one another and see each other often, but bad because I think it will make it even harder when they have to leave again. Maelie has really gotten close to them and asks frequently "A Sasey? A Wob? A Ollo?" Ollo would be their dog.
4. Can you believe I made it this far without dedicating a whole segment to Maelie? OKay, I have about a million stories I could tell you about her - she is at such a funny age and is cracking me up constantly. Here are a few of my favorites. She thinks it is hysterical to put things on her head. We'll be in the car and she will say, "Mama, where is it?" I'll look back and her binky, her shoe, anything handy, will be on her head. The first time she did it I laughed until I cried because the expression on her face is so funny - she cracks herself up!
5. She truly is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. On one hand, I think what better to be obsessed with - he's a wholesome guy and his cartoon is very age appropriate and teaches her things I want her to know. But, on the other hand I do get a little tired of her saying "A Pete (a MM character)" when I go to pick her up from sleep these days instead of "Hi Mama" She loves to say "hot dog" (or, ha dohg) which is a favorite MM saying. The other day she was supposed to be napping but when I put my ear to the door I could hear her jabbering away and when I peeked in she was rolling around on her back playing with her binky saying "hot dog, hot dog, hot dog...."
6. My truly favortie new thing she does is praying hands. I have not taught her that - usually I pray over her as we're rocking, but did not think she could really sit down and pray with me yet. The other night after our family Bible time I asked Kyle to pray for us to see what she would do, and she made the cutest little praying hands and looked down at them. I peeked at her while we were praying and she kept them there the whole time. She would kind of look back and forth at Kyle and I, then look back down. It was the most precious things I've ever seen . I know that she learned that at school - go Ms. Heather! She also loves to look through her Bible looking for "sesus." It makes my life!
Some recent pics...
Maelie on our trip to California to see Rob and Kasey. Rob graduated from the language school there and we all had a great time celebrating. Maelie looked so cute that a couple of strangers asked if they could take her picture!
When Kasey got to Texas she wanted to take Maelie to the zoo. This trip was SO much more fun than the last one. The last time we went she wasn't quite old enough to walk and was very frustrated about that - we ended up leaving early. But this time she was great!!! We had a great time. We can't wait to do it again with Baby Henry!
Fun at the Pumpkin Patch! It was a little harder to get good pics of her this year - she is on the go! She even says "gogo!!"
I thought this picture was funny! Especially since her favorite game is Peek-a-Boo. The other day in the car she put both of her hands under her legs and said "Mama, where is it?" I was a little puzzled at first about what she was getting at, but then she pulled them both out and said "Here it is!" and died laughing. Then she waved her hands at each other, said "bye bye" and hid her hands again.
The fam!
Of course, the Pumpkin Patch wouldn't be complete with out Elizabeth!!
1. I don't know why I love the Fall. I know that part of it is the weather - if you're not from Texas, I'm not sure that you understand what a relief some cool weather can be. Even though this summer was pretty mild, I'm loving the cold nights. I think the air smells differently, too, and makes me remember so many good memories from childhood, through high school and college, and up until now. I think people are wrong to always talk about spring as the season of renewal and starting fresh. The Fall makes me want to do something fun and new....
2. On that point, I started sewing!! I'm terrible at it, but maybe that will change. I made Maelie a little Mickey Mouse book (she is so obsessed with MM), and it was so much fun. I had the kind of Mom who was always making something - cookies, sewing projects, ceramic somethings - every occasion was marked with something homemade and that's always the type of mom I pictured myself being. Breaking out hte sewing machine (after three years in the closet, literally still in the box!) made me feel very accomplished!
3. Kasey and Rob are back in Texas, which is good and bad. Good because it gives us a taste of what it would be like to live close to one another and see each other often, but bad because I think it will make it even harder when they have to leave again. Maelie has really gotten close to them and asks frequently "A Sasey? A Wob? A Ollo?" Ollo would be their dog.
4. Can you believe I made it this far without dedicating a whole segment to Maelie? OKay, I have about a million stories I could tell you about her - she is at such a funny age and is cracking me up constantly. Here are a few of my favorites. She thinks it is hysterical to put things on her head. We'll be in the car and she will say, "Mama, where is it?" I'll look back and her binky, her shoe, anything handy, will be on her head. The first time she did it I laughed until I cried because the expression on her face is so funny - she cracks herself up!
5. She truly is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. On one hand, I think what better to be obsessed with - he's a wholesome guy and his cartoon is very age appropriate and teaches her things I want her to know. But, on the other hand I do get a little tired of her saying "A Pete (a MM character)" when I go to pick her up from sleep these days instead of "Hi Mama" She loves to say "hot dog" (or, ha dohg) which is a favorite MM saying. The other day she was supposed to be napping but when I put my ear to the door I could hear her jabbering away and when I peeked in she was rolling around on her back playing with her binky saying "hot dog, hot dog, hot dog...."
6. My truly favortie new thing she does is praying hands. I have not taught her that - usually I pray over her as we're rocking, but did not think she could really sit down and pray with me yet. The other night after our family Bible time I asked Kyle to pray for us to see what she would do, and she made the cutest little praying hands and looked down at them. I peeked at her while we were praying and she kept them there the whole time. She would kind of look back and forth at Kyle and I, then look back down. It was the most precious things I've ever seen . I know that she learned that at school - go Ms. Heather! She also loves to look through her Bible looking for "sesus." It makes my life!
Some recent pics...
Thursday, March 29, 2007
No time like the present
Well, almost three months have passed since my last blog. Time seems to fly more quickly and sweetly than ever. I know it sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe my baby will be one soon. Here's a little bit of what life has been like around the McKillip household.
1. Well, I suppose the biggest news is that Maelie has taken her first steps. I have known countless babies in my life, but I never dreamt how my heart would catch in my throat at the sight of my baby on her unsure little feet looking so proud of herself. I've known it was coming for awhile now, but it still made me a little sad. I know each new phase of her life will be even more precious than the last, but this first big one, this moving from babyhood to toddlerhood, tugs at my heart. It feels bittersweet in the best and worst way.
2. She's also learned several new words. She can now say mama, dada, bye bye, hi (this one is probably her favorite. It gets a little embarassing at Target should someone not say hi back, as she repeats it louder and louder. Luckily, she's such a little cutie that most people respond instantly), duck, thank you (or, "ang ooo"), and most recently, baby. She loves her babies and will look ferverously around until she finds one and then kiss it.
3. You know, a lot of researchers will tell you that children don't really have friends until they're two. Maelie and Elizabeth would definitely stump them. They love each other so much, it is probably the greatest joy of my life to watch them. Whenever they see each other, they just light up. Squeeling, "tarydactyl talk," and/or kissing inevitably ensue. Even in Bible class with lots of other babies around they recognize each other and single each other out. The other day Maelie found Elizabeth's paci and, rather than stick it in her own mouth as is the usual case, gave it to her friend. I consider it the first real time Maelie shared. After all, she loves a binky as much as the next gal! Later that night Maelie was in her crib crying as she tried to get to sleep and everytime she cried out her sweet friend Elizabeth would drop her toy and make a bee line for Maelie's room. I cannot wait to see their friendship develop over the years!! Some of the greatest blessings in my life are the precious friends God has given me, and it is a feeling beyond belief to see Maelie receiving that same gift of friendship.
4. Okay, so maybe this isn't a landmark milestone, but Tuesday morning while I was getting ready to go to Bible class Maelie sat in her exersaucer and watched Praise Baby. She has always been immune to Praise Baby's draw. She'll watch Baby Einstein forever, but could care less about the Praise Baby videos I had so hoped she would love. But Tuesday!! For some reason it clicked. Not that I want her watching TV all the time, but watching her sweet face as she sat enrapt listening to praises was a great experience for her mommy. I just watched her for awhile and prayed that His words quoted in the songs and the sweet praise would be embedded in her heart. Little seeds, start growing!
5. Kyle has had to work quite a bit these past few months. There are nights he doesn't get home until after midnight. It is very humbling to see him sacraficing so much for our family. Maelie LOVES her Daddy. One Monday morning after spending the weekend all together, Maelie was crawling past the door. I scooped her up and she got this funny little puzzled face as she looked out the door where we always wait for Daddy to come home and said, "dada?" It was like the door reminded her that he wasn't here.
6. A sweet friend of ours (well, our future in-laws as we like to joke!) have had a very rough time. Christine is pregnant with her second little boy (the first, Jack, is the would-be son-in-law). She has been in and out of the hospital, more in that out it seems, so sick with her pregnancy. Luckily, (or blessedly), Little Samuel is doing well. Please pray that his mommy will get well, soon, too. They are such a sweet family, such a precious example of faith and love. We are truly blessed to know them. Even through this amazingly hard time (literally, I don't know how they do it) they are amazing to watch as they love each other so deeply and trust God so faitfully. Pray for all of four of them, plus their amazing extended family who have pretty much put their lives on hold to serve them. (Doesn't that sound like a family you'd want your precious daughter marrying in to?!)
1. Well, I suppose the biggest news is that Maelie has taken her first steps. I have known countless babies in my life, but I never dreamt how my heart would catch in my throat at the sight of my baby on her unsure little feet looking so proud of herself. I've known it was coming for awhile now, but it still made me a little sad. I know each new phase of her life will be even more precious than the last, but this first big one, this moving from babyhood to toddlerhood, tugs at my heart. It feels bittersweet in the best and worst way.
2. She's also learned several new words. She can now say mama, dada, bye bye, hi (this one is probably her favorite. It gets a little embarassing at Target should someone not say hi back, as she repeats it louder and louder. Luckily, she's such a little cutie that most people respond instantly), duck, thank you (or, "ang ooo"), and most recently, baby. She loves her babies and will look ferverously around until she finds one and then kiss it.
3. You know, a lot of researchers will tell you that children don't really have friends until they're two. Maelie and Elizabeth would definitely stump them. They love each other so much, it is probably the greatest joy of my life to watch them. Whenever they see each other, they just light up. Squeeling, "tarydactyl talk," and/or kissing inevitably ensue. Even in Bible class with lots of other babies around they recognize each other and single each other out. The other day Maelie found Elizabeth's paci and, rather than stick it in her own mouth as is the usual case, gave it to her friend. I consider it the first real time Maelie shared. After all, she loves a binky as much as the next gal! Later that night Maelie was in her crib crying as she tried to get to sleep and everytime she cried out her sweet friend Elizabeth would drop her toy and make a bee line for Maelie's room. I cannot wait to see their friendship develop over the years!! Some of the greatest blessings in my life are the precious friends God has given me, and it is a feeling beyond belief to see Maelie receiving that same gift of friendship.
4. Okay, so maybe this isn't a landmark milestone, but Tuesday morning while I was getting ready to go to Bible class Maelie sat in her exersaucer and watched Praise Baby. She has always been immune to Praise Baby's draw. She'll watch Baby Einstein forever, but could care less about the Praise Baby videos I had so hoped she would love. But Tuesday!! For some reason it clicked. Not that I want her watching TV all the time, but watching her sweet face as she sat enrapt listening to praises was a great experience for her mommy. I just watched her for awhile and prayed that His words quoted in the songs and the sweet praise would be embedded in her heart. Little seeds, start growing!
5. Kyle has had to work quite a bit these past few months. There are nights he doesn't get home until after midnight. It is very humbling to see him sacraficing so much for our family. Maelie LOVES her Daddy. One Monday morning after spending the weekend all together, Maelie was crawling past the door. I scooped her up and she got this funny little puzzled face as she looked out the door where we always wait for Daddy to come home and said, "dada?" It was like the door reminded her that he wasn't here.
6. A sweet friend of ours (well, our future in-laws as we like to joke!) have had a very rough time. Christine is pregnant with her second little boy (the first, Jack, is the would-be son-in-law). She has been in and out of the hospital, more in that out it seems, so sick with her pregnancy. Luckily, (or blessedly), Little Samuel is doing well. Please pray that his mommy will get well, soon, too. They are such a sweet family, such a precious example of faith and love. We are truly blessed to know them. Even through this amazingly hard time (literally, I don't know how they do it) they are amazing to watch as they love each other so deeply and trust God so faitfully. Pray for all of four of them, plus their amazing extended family who have pretty much put their lives on hold to serve them. (Doesn't that sound like a family you'd want your precious daughter marrying in to?!)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Christmas is Back!
Ever since I was a little girl Christmas has been my favorite time of year. When I was little I got so caught up in the magic of it all - I mean, seriously, Santa came to visit me at our aparment the first two years of our marriage. I buy a new Christmas tree every year, much to my husband's chagrin, just because I can't stand to walk by a good deal at the after Christmas sales and how can anyone have too many Christmas trees? True confessions - I found one on sale this year (my sixth, but only my third over four feet) the week after Christmas for a GREAT price and snuck it into the garage while Kyle wasn't home. Seriously, it's not just the trees and the lights and all that other fun stuff - though, and I hate to sound judgemental, but you are crazy if you don't think that stuff is the greatest - it's the tradition, the family, the "our family always...", the "when I was little...", the "my mom makes sugar cookies like this..." And this year we got to start our own family traditions! As an adult I still love Christmas, but having Maelie has definitely brought a little of the spark back. I don't even mind travelling all over the world, going to seven family Christmas parties in two days (seriously, we challenge Santa in the milage). It is so much fun to see all these people that we love and don't get to see nearly enough loving on my baby!
She has brought an entirely new perspective to the sweet baby in the manger, too. I think having my own little one has really made it hit home and made me think of Mary in a whole new way and made her so much more real to me. It really makes me appreciate her sacrafice and her faith more. I can't imagine the faith it must have taken to do what she did. I cried when I thought I might not get an epidural - I can't imagine what I would have done if Kyle had told me, Sorry, hon, but I think we'll just have to deliver in the barn. It makes my heart hurt on Christmas to think that we wouldn't have Easter if it weren't for Christmas - that God knew from the moment Jesus was born what would ulitimately happen to him here on earth. Christmas this year has given me an even deeper yearning in my heart for Maelie to know and love Him. I would love to hear from anyone out there what your family does at Christmastime especially to remind your children why we celebrate.
She has brought an entirely new perspective to the sweet baby in the manger, too. I think having my own little one has really made it hit home and made me think of Mary in a whole new way and made her so much more real to me. It really makes me appreciate her sacrafice and her faith more. I can't imagine the faith it must have taken to do what she did. I cried when I thought I might not get an epidural - I can't imagine what I would have done if Kyle had told me, Sorry, hon, but I think we'll just have to deliver in the barn. It makes my heart hurt on Christmas to think that we wouldn't have Easter if it weren't for Christmas - that God knew from the moment Jesus was born what would ulitimately happen to him here on earth. Christmas this year has given me an even deeper yearning in my heart for Maelie to know and love Him. I would love to hear from anyone out there what your family does at Christmastime especially to remind your children why we celebrate.
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