Here's a little bit about what Maelie has been up to these days. She has been SO GOOD lately it has amazed us all. She went on an 11 day streak of not one spanking. Her previous record was 10 hours. And she was sleeping :) She's still cracking us up all the time and doing a really good job as a big sister. She and Lorelai have so much fun together. She even "babysits" sometimes while I'm in the shower, etc. and does a really good job. All she talks about is turning four and her Candyland birthday party - I can't believe it will be here before you know it!
Here's a funny conversation we had the other day
M Why is King Herod so mean?
E I don't know - some people just are
M But WHY?
E I really don't know - all I can think of is that they don't know Jesus
M Well, I know Jesus
E Yup
M Yeah, I saw him
E Huh?
M Yeah, when God was making me. He was there, so I've seen him
She does have a freakishly good memory...:)
Riding the golf cart with the Daddies

She is LOVING the snow!
(Yes, she's in a skirt - don't judge. We only wear dresses because pants are for BOYS!)

Having a little pizza at Micah's birthday party. This girl is definitely her Daddy's daughter - the other day we went to Chuck E. Cheese and she ate 4 pieces of pizza!

Painting on her easel - doesn't that look on her face say "come look at my masterpiece?"

We love this girl!!!