Here's Miss Lorelai on her Five month birthday! I don't ever get tired of saying what a good baby she is. She is very content and laid back. Some of my favorite things she does is sleep with her lovey on her head (great parenting, I know, but if you don't put it on her head she does it for you). She might not even be acting sleepy, but if you know it's time and put it on her head she immediately closes her eyes. When she's not sleepy, she just loves to have that lovey in her hand - it's so cute! She's also started playing with toys and I love to watch her eyes concentrate as she examines something new.
Hanging with LambyI love this picture because it captures how expressive she is! She makes the cutest faces. One of my favorites is when she is looking really hard at someone and all of a sudden raises on eyebrow. We haven't been able to get a picture of it, but it makes me smile every time!
Halfway through our photoshoot Maelie woke up and wanted to help. It is so precious to watch these two interact - they are such sweet sisters! Lorelai loves watching Maelie and thinks she is so funny. Maelie wakes up every morning asking where sister is.
She's not sitting up yet, but it's her favorite position. If you lay her on her back she does little crunches trying to sit up.
My two sweet girls!